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5-minute bedtime stories for children
Quincy, the fearful bear
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Quincy, the fearful bear

5-minute bedtime stories for children

Quincy, the fearful bear

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In a lush, densely wooded forest brimming with greenery lived a bear named Quincy.

Quincy was a big bear with a thick dark brown fur coat that protected him from all the elements Mother Earth threw at him, and Quincy was a very cautious bear. Because deep down, despite his size, Quincy was afraid of everything going bump in the night to his own shadow! He was especially fearful of humans!

People like you and me!

Every day, Quincy hid behind the bushes and tree trunks as humans entered the forest for picnics and hikes. They laughed and played, and Quincy thought they looked like friendly creatures. But even though Quincy was bigger than anyone he saw, he always hid whenever a human came too close.

But how can a big, strong bear be afraid of us? Well, it all started when Quincy was a cub.

Papa Bear, Quincy’s dad, would repeat the same rule to him. He would tell him: Remember, Quincy, when you see humans, stay back and hidden. We must keep our distance to stay safe and peaceful in the forest. Always watch from afar and never approach them. That way, we can enjoy our home without any trouble. So Quincy made sure to always follow the rules and listen to Papa Bear.

However, on a lovely sunny and windy day, Quincy smelled a most delicious aroma, better than the salmon he usually eats. Intrigued by the smell, he followed it by sniffing it out with his bear snout. He eventually stumbled upon the scent. A delectable apple pie was placed in the center of a picnic table, followed by chocolate chip cookies and cut-up fruit. It looked like the humans were about to have a sweet snack.

His eyes widened at the sight, and he couldn't resist.

For the first time, he thought of breaking Papa Bear’s rule. The temptation was overwhelming. As Quincy crept closer, he noticed a group of children playing nearby, laughing and having fun. His heart raced, and Quincy hesitated, torn between his desire for the tasty treats and his fear of the humans.

Just as Quincy was about to reach for a cookie, one of the children spotted him. The little girl's eyes widened in surprise as she locked her gaze on Quincy’s gaze, and she quickly called out to her friends.

Look, a bear! she exclaimed.

The children's laughter and excitement grew louder, but the adults came to scream and make awful sounds, and Quincy felt his fear return tenfold. He had never been around so many humans this close, and their noise was overwhelming. Quincy bolted back into the forest in a panic, his heart pounding.

After a while, Quincy emerged cautiously from his hiding spot. He saw that the humans had left the forest, leaving their picnic behind. The apple pie and cookies were still there, but Quincy knew now that it was not worth the risk.

As Quincy returned to his cozy den, he felt a new understanding. His father's rule was there to keep him safe. The forest was his home, and it was essential to respect the space of humans just as he hoped they would respect his. Back at home, Quincy found comfort in the familiar sounds of the forest and the safety of his den.

And so, Quincy learned an important lesson. The forest was beautiful and best enjoyed by humans and wild animals alike, who stayed safe and respected the boundaries between each other. Wild animals are best appreciated from a distance, where curiosity could be satisfied without putting Quincy or yourself at risk.


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