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Is Sleepmaxxing the Secret to Your Best Night's Rest?
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Is Sleepmaxxing the Secret to Your Best Night's Rest?

Sleep & Wellness

Is Sleepmaxxing the Secret to Your Best Night's Rest?

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I have been experiencing some headaches and lethargy lately. I was so frustrated as nothing seemed to help me ease the discomfort. A doctor friend suggested that I needed to sleep better and drink more water. While scrolling on TikTok, I came across an interesting trend: sleepmaxxing.

Sleepmaxxing seems to have the capacity to help people get a well-deserved night’s rest. While this claim has not been proven yet, it’s a mind-blowing practice.

In this article I will spill everything I know on the topic, breaking down how to practice it, its benefits, and an important caution to think about at the very end, so let’s begin!

What is sleepmaxxing?

If you look up sleepmaxxing anywhere on the internet, it’s termed a “social media trend,” but we are not shocked, are we? With around 98.6 million posts on TikTok, it qualifies to hold that title.

However, the definition doesn’t end there, as sleepmaxxing is defined as a wellness trend that ideally focuses on two things: quantity and quality of sleep.

It has several hacks that focus on enhancing sleep patterns, such as

  • Dimming the lights
  • Reduction of caffeine intake
  • Limiting screen time before going to bed
  • And most importantly, tracking one’s sleep

Doing all these ensures you get the quality sleep we all yearn for, which is part of practicing sleep hygiene.

Key Techniques for Sleepmaxxing

Let’s dig deeper and look at the main techniques sleepmaxxing offers and how you can incorporate them into your sleeping schedule:

1. Creating an Optimal Sleep Environment

When we talk about the sleeping environment, several factors are considered, from the lighting to the bedding.

First, your sleeping room must be dark and quiet. This is the easiest way to fall asleep. However, some low music can also be a go-to because, according to 2023 Healthline research, nearly half of the individuals interviewed said they fall asleep easily when listening to music.

So choose your poison; you have all your cards set.

Now, now, the beddings.

The brutal truth is that your sinking mattress, which you keep promising to change, is the cause of your sleepless nights. If back pain and discomfort at night are something you are struggling with, it’s time to take action.

Take advantage of Polysleep’s FREE shipping and up yo 0% financing to get a good, comfortable mattress that will last longer than you can imagine.

If you are unsure which mattress to choose, take this mattress quiz, and you’ll know which one works for your unique situation.

No bedding is complete without a set of pillows. Because we are all different, we require different pillows for extra comfort. But remember, every pillow is different and serves a different purpose; take some time to research what you need.

Get one of these pillows to complement the Polysleep mattresses, and you’ll sleep as soundly as a baby.

2. Establishing a Consistent Sleep Schedule

The first step in establishing a consistent sleep schedule is going to bed and waking up at the same time consistently every day. Make it a ritual, even on weekends or when you get days off (I’m sorry).

If you do this consistently for a week, you’ll notice that your mood improves, you feel less stressed, and you are more alert.

The truth is, you cannot reap any of these benefits unless you adjust your sleep cycle. So start by doing just that. The best way to reset your sleep cycle:

  • Limit naps during the day
  • Taking a warm bath before bed
  • Use earplugs to mask any noise at night.
  • Avoid heavy meals a few hours before bed
  • Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake before sleep.

3. Start Implementing Relaxation Techniques

Various relaxation techniques have been practiced over the years; some have been very interesting to discover in the course of my research.

The most common ones are meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness. Pick one before bed and start incorporating it into your sleep routine.

Let’s have a little challenge: Today (or any day you’ll view this article), practice this five-minute meditation or any of the three relaxation techniques above. Then, increase it progressively by 5 minutes every single week.

I promise you’ll see the change.

Bonus Tip: According to research by the Sleep Foundation, smoking cannabis can also induce sleep, so if you normally consume marijuana, go for it before you sleep. It can help you sleep more soundly and improve your overall sleep quality.

Is Sleepmaxxing Really the Secret to Your Best Night's Rest?

In all honesty, Sleepmaxxing may actually be the secret to your best night’s rest.

Just like the sleepy girl mocktail trend, this particular trend has made many people think about their sleep, something that is often neglected.

Moreover, its key benefits are all geared towards ensuring you practice holistic wellness.

While some professionals argue that there may be some danger in practicing this trend, it all comes down to research and how you use the information you consume from the internet. Caution is important when adding any health and wellness practices to your routine.

Remember we are all wired differently, so if you notice that something doesn’t work for you, please stop it immediately.

Most importantly, if you have sleep challenges, please contact a medical professional for assistance instead of stressing yourself out.

Polysleep Takeaway

There’s a difference between falling asleep and staying asleep. When your head drops on your pillow and your eyes shut, you can fall asleep; the challenge lies in staying asleep.

Sleepmaxxing is your go-to secret for the second part.

Do everything right, and your sleep schedule will be fixed. Do it once in a while, and you’ll notice no difference.

Trends come and go, and the good ones, such as sleepmaxxing, are remembered.

Finally, remember that every human being is made differently. What works for you may not work for another, and vice versa. So, find your hack and stick to it because, with consistency, everything is attainable.


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