Let’s face it: We are all addicted to our phones. But have you ever really stopped to consider how much better your life would be if you weren’t immediately grabbing your phone and scrolling for hours on end? Imagine your life without the device in your hand, especially for the first waking hours of the day?
The truth is, waking up without a phone is key to more productivity, wellbeing and happiness. Read on as this blog article will explore this all further.
Here are 5 ways that waking up without a phone will improve your life:
1. Engage with your thoughts
When you get an endless supply of stimulation from your phone, your brain has no space to think for itself. By waking up without your phone, you can full engage with your thoughts, think creatively and come up with fresh, new ideas.

2. More time to yourself
We are always running out of time and we never seem to have the time to do anything!
Well what if I could tell you you could get more time back to yourself, simply by not having your phone in your hands the first few precious hours of the morning? Once you get off your device you’ll see that you have more time to wake up (slowly). You can then invest in important and productive things rather than zapping away those early morning hours by mindlessly scrolling on social media.
3. More energy
Instead of grabbing your phone in the first waking hours of the day, imagine instead that you grab your workout clothes and head outside for a nice walk or run, or to your favourite gym or pilates class? You’ll feel so much more energized without that device running your life first thing in the morning.
4. Less stress and anxiety
Let’s face it, overstimulating your brain with content from our phones is not usually the best thing; especially for the first waking hours of the day. Rather than feeling bombarded by messages from work or stressful, negative comments on social media that make you feel more anxious; instead you can just completely opt out of all of it. Everything can be dealt with later! This is your precious YOU time. You can check in with your phone later and answer any pressing messages or emails later, when you’ve had a chance to wake up and do the things that you need to do.
5. More focus
Your phone makes it difficult to focus as your brain is overstimulated and then craving that same level of stimulation all day. Without that stimulation overload from your phone, you’ll find it easier to put your brain energy on more meaningful and productive things!
Now that we’ve established the power of waking up without your phone, here’s how you can actually do it:
- Put your phone in another room: The temptation to grab your phone is going to be there if it’s right by you. That’s why you absolutely must keep it in another room! Now before you tell yourself that’s impossible, you have your alarm on your phone in the morning, that leads me to point number 2…
- Get an alarm clock: You should absolutely use an alarm clock to wake up rather than your phone, that way you don’t even need it in the bedroom anymore. There are so many fantastic ones that you can get online (personally the Hatch is my all-time favourite alarm clock) and you’ll be able to wake up refreshed without your electronic device in hand!
- Engage in other low-level activities: Instead of having your phone in your hands in the morning, you can instead read a book, or write in your journal! You can also engage in low-level activities like stretching or yoga or going for a walk. Make a nice cup of coffee and listen to music and do a crossword puzzle! The options are absolutely endless and are there for the choosing.
Polysleep Takeaway
Imagine having less stress and distractions in the morning and instead feeling more focused, creative, and energetic in the morning! Those are just a few reasons that being without a phone for the first few hours of the day is extremely beneficial for you, as well as tips on how you can make it happen!
It’s time to wake up focused, positive and ready to take on the brand new day. You’ll thank us later, believe me! 🙂
Polysleep Tip: If you want to dig deeper into how and why you should refrain from being on your phone and devices so much, check out Digital Detox: Why Unplugging is Crucial for Your Beauty Sleep. A digital detox can help you in so many ways that you didn’t think were possible.